Pests Anthurium and Handling


Anthurium is likely resistant to pest attack. But there is still a chance your plants attacked. The following information about pests and how to handle.

a. Aphid
This is a form of pest infestation yellow. Aphid life usually clustered at the base of the shoots of plants and flowers. Spread comparatively quickly. Aphid sucks because fluid leaves, infected leaves grow imperfect, tends to curl, blackened, and dry.

Overcome: use insecticides such as Te Ye Man, Demiter, Supracide, Decis, Curacron, or Basudin. This insecticide is a combination of contact killing and disturbing nervous. That is, if the insecticide on the insect, the insect dies instantly. If not dead lost their reproductive ability, so that the cut is an insect's life cycle. Spray an insecticide to the plants once a week Aphid infected within three weeks. Prevention is done by spraying insecticide once a month.

b. Fungus gnat
Fungus gnat is a pest that looks like a black mosquitoes. He lived in the planting medium moist. Adenium attacked characterized by black spots on the flower buds. Then the flower buds will rot and fall.

Overcomee: spraying insecticides, such as Te Ye Man, Demier, or Proleaf to the plant is attacked. Alternative Trigard and 0.5/liter dose Agrimec with water.

c. Mealy Bug
This pest infestation of white flour and have encountered similar to the armpit and leaflet. The attacks led to the growth of abnormal shoots.

Overcomee: spraying insecticides, such as Proleaf to the plant is attacked.

d. Nematode
Nematodes commonly found in the planting medium given manure. The initial symptoms are yellowing of leaves and the death of his buds are still young. Part of being attacked is the root nematode adenium. If the sick adenium removed from the pot will look like tubers at the root fibers. In addition, the root fibers end many roots die and the base of wrinkled or holes. When viewed with a microscope would look a lot smaller worm gnawing at the roots adenium.

Damage to crops caused by the secretion of saliva that is injected into the plant during nematode bite or eat the plant. This process can lead to death because the power lost roots and shoots, wounds formed, the plant tissue to swell and burst.

Overcome: pull the plant from the pot and wash the roots in running water. Cut and remove all the root fibers are damaged and rotten. Furthermore roots soaked in a solution of insecticide or nematisida (for example, or nematisida Dazomet 98% with the recommended dose) until all the roots and base of the stem submerged for half an hour. Next lift the plants and wind-aired in the shade for 1-2 weeks. Having healthy plants should be planted in the planting of new media sterile. Use clean planting media and organic materials that have been cooked properly. If need be added nematisida like Furadan 3G granules mixed in the planting medium.

e. Root Mealy Bug
Pests of white hair lice are generally found in moist planting medium. Plants that have withered shoots attacked, damaged stems, and roots with decay. If the media dismantled plant will look smaller animals attached to a white powdery on rotten roots.

Overcome: combined use nematisida, insecticides, and fungicides, such as Sursban or Diainon (dose of 1 ml / l) or 98% Dazomet by being sprayed directly into the planting medium, or replace the entire planting media with new media to a sterile plant. For prevention, insecticide spraying can be done once a month.

f. Ants
Ants often nest in planting media or under pots, which can damage the roots and shoots adenium. Ants belong to the disease vector.

Response: adenium pot soak briefly in water or water it uses antisemut drugs.

g. Spider Mite
This pest looks like a spider and red. Other names or motes of red mites. These pests like to hide under leaves and axillary leaves. Adenium whose leaves are hairy very vulnerable to pest attack is because the mites like to hide on the sidelines of this fluff while sucking the leaves and stems boo. In plants at the bottom of sick leaves or stems of red mites found in nests of fine threads.

Symptoms initially, leaves will mat. Next the leaves yellowing and falling fast. Besides looking tiny dots of red color on the surface of the leaf browning. Can be fatal attack was marked by the death of the dried leaves and tops of plant stems because the liquid sucked out.

Response: Use akarisida, such Kelthane or Omite. Spray the whole plant and environment with the recommended dose. Spraying done 2-4 times per week. No need to worry if the leaves were sprayed adenium fall, because the new leaves and will soon appear healthy. The most effective prevention is to put plants in places that have good air circulation, sunlight and rain water directly. These pests do not like where the blustery and exposed to rain water spray continuously.

h. Thrips
His form is a black lice move quickly. Thrips attack the flower buds that fail to expand and become dry.

Response by spraying insecticides, such as Detimer, to the affected part of the attack.


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