How to put music in your blog

Music in the blog. you may never get a blog with live music by itself. how do you think the blog is like it, if you are interested in creating your blog is like that.

Whatever your story, if you are interested to enter the music into blogs, you live copy the following code.

<img style="visibility: hidden; width: 0px; height: 0px;" src="*xJmx*PTEzMjczMzI1NDAyOTYmcHQ9MTMyNzMzMjc5MzY1NiZwPTU2MjAxMiZkPSZnPTEmbz*zNzJkZDYwMmQ1MGY*YTg5YWY2/YmI1NzIzODNlYWFkYiZvZj*w.gif" width="0" border="0" height="0" /><div align="left"><table style="border-collapse: collapse;" id="autoplaylist" width="304" bgcolor="#000000" border="0" bordercolor="#111111" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" title="Automatic Created Playlist by" alt="Automatic Created Playlist by" width="304" border="0" height="19" /></a></td></tr><tr><td align="center"><embed src="" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="&amp;;" width="304" height="200"></embed></td></tr><tr><td align="center"><a href=";id=SkU0gYMlYc0&amp;name=YA_RASULALLAH"><img src="" title="Make Your Own Mp3 &amp; Video Playlist at" alt="Make Your Own Mp3 &amp; Video Playlist at" width="304" border="0" height="19" /></a></td></tr></tbody></table></div>

This code is for the song of Samy yusuf on title Ya RASULULLAH. if for example you want to add songs to your liking, then stay to visit sites that provide services embed code. one of the site that provide this code is

How to Easily Create and Adding Meta Tags in Blog

One way to optimize your blog in Google search engine list is to create and add a meta tag inside the HTML code blog. For this step you will not be an expert in HTML, because it is easy to any beginner bloggers can add Meta tags on the blog.

To add meta tags we can use a tool that aids in site.

Steps Creating and Adding a meta tag:
1. Sign kesitus by clicking the link.

2. In the Title field blank.

3. In the Description field fill your blog description.

For example: Blog where learning to make blogs and decorating blogs.

4. In the Keywords field, fill in the keyword or keywords that you seek, for example, because of your blog about blog tutorial you enter this keyword: Blogs, learning, ornamental, templates, create.

5. Click the Create button META tags.

6. Copy the results of a meta tag creation tool.

7. Log into your blogger dashboard. Log in to the menu layout or the layout blog, select the Edit HTML sub-menu.
8. Find the following code in your blog's html:

<title> </title> complitly like this <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>

9. Then paste or add the meta tag code below script
it. To become like this. Do not forget to add a slash (/) at the end of the meta tag.

<meta name="Description" content="Blog tempat belajar membuat blog dan menghias blog.">
<meta name="Keywords" content="Blog, belajar, hias, template, buat."/>

10. Final step we do is save the changes to this template by pressing the Save Template button. Done.

You also can to try this technique how boost traffic to new blog

Happy blogging....:)

72 Odd Signs of Doomsday According to Islam

72 Odd Signs of Doomsday According to IslamDespite of various 2012 doomsday predictions (Mayan calendar, Nostradamus prophecy etc), in fact no one can ever predict when that end-of the-day era will come precisely. So, it'd the best if we just believe in our true faith and Allah. It doesn't matter what is your religion, all the world's great religions contain Messianic prophecies, which promise that God will one day send a Promised One whose teachings will unite all humanity.

The Promised One is called by different names by different religions.

Jews look forward to a Prophet like Moses

Hindus look for the return of Krishna

Christians await the return of Christ

Muslims look for the appearance of Imam Mahdi

Buddhists await Buddha

The fascinating aspect of all these prophecies is that they all seem to be pointing towards the same event.

All the major religions of the world have their own signs of Doomsday. Since the complete list will be too long so I decide to split it into several parts. This first part contains signs of doomsday according to Islam, let's see what Islam Said:

Islam - Signs of Doomsday

Muslims believe in messengers of God and prophets. They believe that the final message to man was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. He is the last prophet sent by God. He is said to have foretold the following 72 signs that would appear nearing doomsday:

1. People will leave prayer.

2. People will usurp Amaanat.

3. Lying will become an art.

4. There will be murders on the slightest of disagreements.

5. Interest will become common.

6. There will be very tall buildings.

7. People will sell religion for the world.

8. People will treat relatives badly.

9. Justice will become a rarity.

10. Lies will be considered truth.

11. Clothes will be of silk.

12. Persecution will become common.

13. Divorces will become common.

14. Sudden deaths will increase.

15. The usurper of Amaanat will be considered honest and honorable.

16. The keeper of Amaanat will be called an usurper of things given to him for safekeeping.

17. Liars will be thought of as honest.

18. Honest people will be thought of as liars.

19. False accusations will become the norm.

20. It will be hot in spite of rain.

21. Instead of wishing for children, people will pray that they not have children.

22. People from bad backgrounds and with bad upbringing will live a life of luxury (material, not peaceful).

23. Good people, when they try to practice, will be cut off from the world.

24. Previously good people will also usurp Amaanat.

25. Leaders will become persecutors.

26. Ulema and Qaris will commit adultery.

27. People will wear clothes of animal skin.

28. But their hearts will smell and will be dead.

29. And will be bitter.

30. Gold will become common.

31. Demand for silver will increase.

32. Sin will increase.

33. Peace will become rare.

34. Words(Ayats) from the Quran will be decorated and calligraphy will become.

35. Mosques will be decorated.

36. And will have tall Minars.

37. But hearts will be empty.

38. Alcoholic drinks will be consumed.

39. Punishments ordered by the Shariah will be revoked and will no longer be implemented.

40. Women will order their mother around.

41. People who are with naked feet, naked bodies and against religion will become kings.

42. Women will trade along with men.

43. Women will imitate men.

44. Men will imitate women.

45. People will swear by things other than Allah and the Quran.

46. Even Muslims will be prepared to give false testimony, without being incited to it.

47. Only people one knows will be greeted with the salaam.

48. The knowledge of the Shariah will be used to earn worldly things.

49. Acts, which earn the Akhirah, will be used to earn the world.

50. Assets belonging to the nation will be considered and treated as personal treasures by the rulers.

51. Amaanat will be considered ones personal asset.

52. Zakaat will be considered as a penalty.

53. The lowest and the worst man in the nation will become its leader.

54. People will not obey their fathers.

55. And will mistreat their mothers.

56. And will not hold back from harming their friends.

57. And will obey their wives.

58. And the voices of the men who commit adultery will be raised in mosques.

59. Women who sing will be treated with great deference.

60. Instruments of music will be kept with great care.

61. Alcohol will be drunk on the highways.

62. People will be proud of their acts of persecution.

63. Justice will be sold in the courts.

64. The number of men in the police force will increase.

65. Instead of music, the Quran will be used to gain pleasure for its tune and style (Qirat), not for what it preaches, its meaning or for rewards in the Akhirah.

66. Animal fur will be used.

67. The last of the Ummat will curse those before them (clearly seen today in people who call the Prophets companions names).

68. Either Allah will send a Red Storm upon you.

69. Or Earthquakes.

70. Or your faces will be changed.

71. Or a rain of rocks from the skies. Asteroids? Meteors.

72. Lies will become a habit of the rulers and the rich.

Prophet Muhammad also said:

1. Alcohol will be called Sherbat and will be considered Halal.

2. Interest will be called Trade and will be considered Halal.

3. Brides will be called Gifts and will be considered Halal.

4. Women will be naked in spite of wearing dresses.

Thank for 2012-doomsday-predictions

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