How to turn off your computer as soon as possible or Quickly

You may be a lot of business? but your computer is running. or in other circumstances, you should immediately turn off computer without first want to wait, because you do not want to be late to the office. or because there are other things that make you have to turn off the computer as soon as possible.

The following is a quick tips on how to turn off the computer quickly, if normal shutdown takes a long time, even could spend 5-10 minutes. depending on the quality of our computer use.

so, the following tips can speed up shut down our computers. way is to press CTR + ALT + DEL, or activate the task manager, then click the shutdown, and select "turn off", while click turn off press the CTRL key, try to compare it with normal shutdown. I wish you luck


The first group of pilgrims depart tomorrow

JAKARTA, (PRLM) .- The departure of Hajj pilgrims flew the group in 1430 Hijri (Group) first embarkation Jakarta will begin tomorrow Friday (23 / 9) at 6:00 pm. Departure, the congregation planned to be released by the new Minister of Religious Affairs, Suryadharma Ali.

In 12 other embarkation throughout Indonesia, the first departure group will begin tomorrow. In each region, the release will be the governor of each.

It was mentioned by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Bahrul Hayat in a press conference at the Ministry of Religious Affairs Jakarta, Thursday (22/10). "Standing at Arafat as Ummul al-Qura calendar is estimated to Makkah took place on 26 November," he said.

As many as 207,000 pilgrims will be divided into 487 of group. PT Garuda Indonesia Airlines will carry 302 group (114,094 people) and Saudi Arabian Airlines carrying 176 Group (78,741 people).

In organizing this year's hajj, the pilgrimage Ministry promised to get service lodging, transportation, and consumption is good. All the preparations are finished declared.


16 Ways to boost traffic to your blog that you need to know

There are many ways that we can do to boost traffic to the blog. and iu depends on the results of each observation, but if we search the internet there was a way to boost traffic to the blog.

certainly we have to keep doing my best to blog that we are not cultivated in vain. The following are some ways, at least 16 ways to boost traffic to your blog based on the observed practice of the webmaster, and most who use this method has been able to boost blog traffic.

You've got your blog set up and you've started posting pithy, useful information that your niche market would benefit from and enjoy. Days go by, you keep publishing, but no one comments and your traffic stats are barely registering. What do you do?

Like any website you own, you must do some blog promotion to start driving traffic to your site. Here are 16 steps, in no particular order of importance, that you can start doing now to get traffic moving to your blog.

1. Set up a Bloglet subscription form on your blog and invite everyone in your network to subscribe: family, friends, colleagues, clients, associates.


2. Set up a feed on so your site gets regularly spidered by the Yahoo search engine (see tutorial on

3. Read and comment on other blogs that are in your target niche. Don't write things like "nice blog" or "great post." Write intelligent, useful comments with a link to your blog.

4. Use Ping-o-matic to ping blog directories. Do this every time you publish.

5. Submit your blog to traditional search engines:

6. Submit your blog to blog directories. The most comprehensive list of directories is on this site:

Tip: Create a form to track your submissions; this can take several hours when you first start so schedule an hour a day for submitting or hire a VA to do it for you.

7. Add a link to your blog in your email signature file.

8. Put a link to your blog on every page of your website.

9. If you publish a newsletter, make sure you have a link to your blog in every issue.

10. Include a link to your blog as a standard part of all outgoing correspondence such as autoresponder sequences, sales letters, reports, white papers, etc.

11. Print your blog URL on your business cards, brochures and flyers.

12. Make sure you have an RSS feed URL that people can subscribe to.
The acronym RSS means Rich Site Summary, or some may consider its meaning as Really Simple Syndication. It is a document type that lists updates of websites or blogs available for syndication. These RSS documents (also known as 'feeds') may be read using aggregators (news readers). RSS feeds may show headlines only or both headlines and summaries.

To learn how news aggregators/RSS readers work, see this site:

13. Post often to keep attracting your subscribers to come back and refer you to others in their networks; include links to other blogs, articles and websites in your posts

14. Use Trackback links when you quote or refer to other blog posts. What is TrackBack? Essentially what this does is send a message from one server to another server letting it know you have posted a reference to their post. The beauty is that a link to your blog is now included on their site.

15. Write articles to post around the web in article directories. Include a link to your blog in the author info box (See example in our signature below).

16. Make a commitment to blog everyday. 10 minutes a day can help increase your traffic as new content attracts search engine spiders. Put it on your calendar as a task every day at the same time.



Displaying date posting on the same day at Blogger

By default blogspot can not display date posting on the same day. And this sometimes interfere with consistency in a layout. For that to appear date post on the same day, we must add/replaced with a new script. I got this script on this blog (

to make this segment are very easy, you enough follow the following technique or way.

First: You log in to your blog, and dont forget for back up your template before, it is for guard your lose template.
second: Check the expand widget at EDIT HTML at your blog
Third: Seek for the HTML below

<b:if cond='data:post.dateHeader'>
<h2 class='date-header'><data:post.dateHeader/></h2>

Fourth: Change the HTMl with this one The following)

<b:if cond='data:post.dateHeader'>
<script>var ultimaFecha = &#39;<data:post.dateHeader/>&#39;;</script>
<h2 class='date-header'><data:post.dateHeader/></h2>
<h2 class='date-header'>

Fifth Enjoy blogging :D

want to see the POsting before about promote your blog Promote blog using facebook

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