Masjid Nabawi Sempat Digenangi Air Hujan

BANDA ACEH - Angin kencang disertai hujan lebat mengguyur Madinah, Jumat (30/10). Meski peristiwa sekira pukul 15.45 waktu Arab Saudi itu hanya berlangsung satu jam, tapi lantai Masjid Nabawi yang terbuat dari marmer sempat tergenang sebatas betis orang dewasa. Tgk Ameer Hamzah, jemaah calon haji (JCH) Kloter III Banda Aceh melaporkan peristiwa itu menjelang shalat asar kemarin. Peristiwa itu pertama kali terjadi selama JCH dari berbagai negara berkumpul di Madinah. Tapi tidak sampai terjadi gangguan yang berarti bagi jemaah akibat peristiwa langka itu.

“Begitu hujan reda, ratusan petugas turun sambil membawa motor mesin-mesin penyapu dan pengering lantai. Sehingga halaman Masjid Nabawi yang luas dan indah itu kembali nyaman dilalui. Jika jemaah di Masjid Nabawi padat, halaman masjid itu sering digunakan untuk shalat berjemaah,” lapor Tgk Ameer kepada Serambi tadi malam. Tgk Ameer juga menginformasikan, kemarin siang JCH Aceh dan jemaah dari berbagai pelosok dunia melaksanakan shalat Jumat pertama di Madinah di Masjid Nabawi. Abdullah Al-Madani, Rektor Universitas Ummul Quran Madinah bertindak sebagai khatib.

“Karena jemaah shalat Jumat dari berbagai penjuru dunia, khatib menyerukan umat muslim untuk bersatu. Harus pula menguasai teknologi informasi agar tidak dibodohi, apalagi diperangi kaum kafir. Khatib juga mengutuk aksi kaum kafir Israel di Palestina dan Afghanistan,” kata Tgk Ameer, mengutip isi khotbah. Sementara itu, dari Banda Aceh dilaporkan 325 JCH Kloter VI asal Aceh Besar berangkat melalui Bandara Internasional Sultan Iskandar Muda (SIM) Blangbintang, Aceh Besar sekira pukul 12.37 WIB.

Menurut Kabag Humas Panitia Pembantu Penyelenggara Ibadah Haji (P3IH) Banda Aceh, Juniazi SAg, pemberangkatan itu lebih cepat dari yang telah ditetapkan pukul 13.00 WIB. Sementara itu, JCH asal Aceh yang sudah tiba di Madinah sampai kloter V, mencapai 1.616 orang. Jumat kemarin, JCH Kloter VII yang masuk Asrama Haji Banda Aceh berjumlah 325 orang. Mereka berasal dari Aceh Tengah, Gayo Lues, Aceh Besar, dan Banda Aceh. JCH Kloter VII dijadwalkan bertolak ke Arab Saudi sore ini. Sedangkan JCH Kloter VIII yang masuk hari ini ke Asrama Haji Banda Aceh berasal dari Lhokseumawe, Banda Aceh, dan Aceh Besar. (sjk/sal)



Twin of the sun have been found

Peruvian astronomers Jorge Melendez of the Australian National University, and Ivan Ramirez of the University of Texas at Austin, USA, has found a "solar twin" the best at this time. The discovery was achieved using a 2.7-meter telescope, Harlan J. Smith at McDonald Observatory. Their findings showed that the chemical composition of the Sun was not unique as previously thought.

The star, HIP 56948, is more similar to the sun than any has ever known. Located 200 light-years so far in the constellation Draco, the star of about a billion years younger than the Sun.

Previously, only three twin sun is known, each is 18 Scorpii, HD 98618, and HIP 100963. However, although in some ways similar to the sun, the three stars has fundamental differences in content far exceeds it lithium lithium content in the sun. Lithium content of the very few in the Sun could make the astronomers assumed that the Sun is a very unique star among other stars.

The discovery of new solar twin assumptions that break. HIP 56948 lithium known to have the same content with the sun low. This study also reveals the other twin of the Sun, HIP 73815, which also has the same lithium content is low.

Questions about the uniqueness of the sun associated with what is known as the "principle antropik" (anthropic principle), the question of whether there is something special to the Sun that enables living organisms evolved in our solar system. This finding does not fully answer that question, but it only shows that the uniqueness is clearly not on their chemical composition.

Melendez and Ramirez findings support the opposite of antropik principle, called the outlook "Copernician", that is the possible existence of living organisms can be found anywhere in the universe. Both suggest that stars like HIP 56948 could be a good target for the researchers at the SETI program (Search for Extra-Terresterial Intelligence).

The star has been studied by Planet Search Program at the McDonald Observatory, led by astronomer Bill Cochran of the University of Texas. Cochran and his team found that, like our sun, HIP 56948 has no planetary class "hot Jupiter" - a large mass planets, has a short orbital period, and the circle around its parent star in a very close range. This type of known planets is very common. Up to now been found more than 200 stars that have one or more hot Jupiter-class planet orbiting.

Search "solar twin" was considered important because astronomers use the Sun as a benchmark in many studies. However, they can not learn the Sun in the same way as they study the distant stars, because the distance is too close, and the appearance of too light.


Die Worlds Greatest Treehouse

Wel, as jy nie vind jouself jou kinderdae boom huisje as die wêreld se grootste is, kan jy jouself hoef te dink weer nadat kry om te sien die boom huisje Horrace Burgess het rondom Cross gebou in die Verenigde State van Amerika staat van Tennessee fancying.

Jy begin om te waardeer die grootheid van die boom huisje Horrace Burgess het 'n ingeboude wanneer die syfers in Staande op 97 meter in hoogte gebring word, die een is dit eens dat die struktuur Horrace Burgess gebou het, is die struktuur te klop, as jy wil vas te stel met' n eis om besit (of selfs gesien het) die grootste boom huisje in die wêreld.

Die grootheid van Horrace Burgess boom huisje is nie onderworpe aan die boom waarop dit alleen gebaseer is al. As dit blyk, terwyl die boom in die vraag dra nie by iets aan die hoogte van die boom huisje, die eienaar se pogings gaan ook 'n lang pad na hierdie grootheid moontlik te maak. Die boom se bydrae tot die 97 voet gebou is slegs 80 voete, sodat die ander 17 voete op die top van die basiese 80 voet is uit Horrace se pure inspanning. Om seker te wees, dan kan ons gun die basis boom van 'n eis togreatness nie ook:' n boom toring hoog op 80 meter hoog en met 'n deursnee van meer as 12 voet is' n ware kampioen. Maar dit is die struktuur geplaas vandie boom wat in die groter aantrekkingskrag.

Die boom huisje in die vraag, is 11 verdieping hoog, 'n hemel Crapper selfs deur sommige stede "standaarde nie - slegs dat hierdie tyd, is dit gebou is op die top van' n boom. Daar is selfs 'n aantal ander bome gegroei oor die verdieping van die gebou, natuurlik bykomend tot die primêre boom waarop dit gebaseer is. Die 11 verdieping gemaak van HorraceBurgess boom huis skep van 'n opwaarts van 8.000 vierkante meter. Saam te stel hierdie gebou, die man agter dit sê dat 'n opwaarts van' n kwart miljoen (250.000 + spykers, dat) word gebruik gewees het.


Pesawat Pertama di Dunia Terbang 12 Detik

the Making of first airplane in the world make by Wright brothers in a small town in the state of Dayton, Ohio, United States. Original idea stems from a bicycle factory. The ability of two brothers in a bicycle delivery inspired to create plane.

They make aircraft experiments that made by the creator of the first aircraft in the world of Wilbur and Orville Wright in 1892. From the expertise to make these bikes, they can realize the human dream of flying to fly into the air.

In 1903, the Wright-Brothers had made history of the world's first flight with the aircraft-engine time that they named the first Flyer for 12 seconds with a height of 37 meters in the state of North Carolina. Wright Brothers has changed the face of the world. Now people can easily and quickly travel using aircraft.


Nenek dan Kakek Tertua Di Dunia

One of the world's oldest man celebrates birthday-113. Grandfather from Japan was named Tomoji Tanabe. Tanabe was born exactly on September 18, 1895. On his birthday, his health condition is on the good condition.

What's this old habit? He used to wake up early morning, drinking a glass of milk and eating foods with lower portions during the day. Avoiding alcohol and cigarettes away.

Japan is known as a country with a higher life expectancy (longevity) compared to other countries. A grandparent of the oldest in the world also comes from this country. Yone Minagawa, 115 years old, born on January 4, 1893.

Sakura state estimates there he can live to 79 years and women reach 89 years. According to the survey, is closely related to their dieting habits and eating fish. Which of course is a family practice and began an early age.


Komputer Made In Aceh siap Memasuki Pasar

BANDA ACEH | ACEHKITA.COM — Untuk pertama kalinya, Aceh berhasil memproduksi komputer dengan harga terjangkau. Hadir perdana dalam tiga tipe dengan prosesor Intel, PC Get siap bersaing.

Sebagai produk lokal, target pertama adalah menguasai pasar komputer di Aceh. Selain akan berkerjasama dengan Pemerintah Daerah, mereka juga bermitra dengan Intel Indonesia Corp, Linux, Blackberry, dan komunitas layanan IT (Information Technology) lainnya, untuk menjadi leader market.

Komisaris PC Get, Amir Faisal, dalam jumpa pers peluncuran resmi PC Get di Hotel Hermes Palace, Banda Aceh, Senin (26/10), mengatakan, untuk menggaet pasar mereka akan melakukan promo market show ke daerah-daerah.

PC Get hadir dalam tiga tipe, yakni, PC Get Keluarga (prosesor Intel Atom), PC Get Keluarga super (prosesor Intel Core Duo), PC Get Keluarga Smart (prosesor Intel Pentium).

Meski baru di-launching, PC Get hingga kini sudah laku 120 unit.

PC Get hadir berkat kerjasama apik PT. Global Interpreneur Technology dan Intel Indonesia Corp. Dirakit di Aceh dengan bantuan teknisi luar.

Country Meneger Intel Indnesia Corp mengatakan, ide pertama memproduksi PC Get adalah untuk menghadirkan komputer buatan dalam negeri dengan harga murah dan berkualitas.

Ini juga segaris dengan visi Pemerintah Aceh yang menggagas ‘satu keluarga satu komputer’ tahun lalu.

Namun, kurangnya pasokan listrik akhir-akhir ini di Aceh diakui pihak PC Get akan mempengaruhi promo mereka. Amir meminta Pemerintah Aceh memperhatikan hal ini


How to Make Your Posting Published Automatically at Blogger (blogspot)

Hi, all blogger friends!, on the posting this time I will try to make a blog posting about posting automatically. This automatically posting is very important I think, because this is will help the blogger on making the blog post on the Scala.

the important is posting blog will published routinely as we want, we can arrange posting date, time.

Features a blog posting in automatic is very important for you that can not be online 24 hours. so, you can create multiple job postings at once, then set your date and time you want to published it or out posting in your blog.

interest!!. lets follow the following step for making the automatically posting at blogger (blogspot).

1. LOg in to your blogger account, and the write your posting, as the picture above

2. If you have finish your posting, then arrange the open at "post option", it get at the left corner.

3. Then, you look at the right corner, "post date and time", you can arrange it, arrange the date posting and the time for displaying the posting.


How to Overcome Computer Virus

Steps of Virus Prevention, Prevent Better Than Treat. This practice should be a priority computer users. Between the initial steps are;

1. Do not use a floppy disk or any storan not in the know came from
. Unknown disks may have been contaminated with the virus. deeds write-protect disks should always be done to ensure that the virus can not write himself into the floppy disk.

2. Do not open emails that have attachments
. Internet technology has been fully utilized by the virus writer. The virus is now able to spread via email readings that have been contaminated. Most of these emails will contain an attachment files. At times he still contain the virus, although send by people you recognize.

Make sure you call your friends, to make sure there really he has led the email contains an attachment to your files. between viruses that use this technology is;

Anna Kournikova, Sircam, Code Red, Nimda and ILoveYou.

3. Use anti-virus software.
anti-virus software is a utility to detect and destroy viruses. There is software available for free on the Internet including;

a. AVG Anti-Virus
b. Free Anti-Virus
c. Innoculate IT (OS is available for Windows95 and above and also Palm OS)

While anti-virus software that is sold in market;
a. Smadav -- indonesia anti virus
b. Ansav anti virus
c. Norton Anti-Virus
d. PC-Cillin
e. Armor Anti Virus
f. VBuster
g. Virus Rx (for Apple computers)
h. Mc Afee Anti-Virus

Most anti-virus software can be upgraded to ensure it is in the database contains the latest anti-virus software. It is also sometimes offer immediate assistance to registered users.

VBuster eg anti-virus software is very popular but it is used by NASA. It was created by Dr.. Looi Hong Thong from Penang, Malaysia.


Computer Viruses Types

A computer virus is a computer program that can duplicate or copy itself and spread by inserting copies of itself into other programs or documents. Computer viruses can be analogous to biological viruses that spread by inserting itself into living cells. Computer viruses can be destructive (for example by destroying the data on the document), making computer users feel annoyed, or no effect at all.

To further refine our knowledge about the virus, I will try to give an explanation of the types of viruses that often roam in cyberspace.

1. Virus Macro

This type of virus must have been very often we hear. The virus is written in a programming language of an application rather than the programming language of an Operating System. This virus can walk if its constituent applications can run well, that is if the computer can run applications mac word then this virus works on Mac OS bersistem computer.

virus samples:

* W97M variant, for example W97M.Panther

Size: 1234 bytes,

work: It infects the and infected when the document is opened.

* WM.Twno.A; TW

Size: 41,984 bytes,

work: infect documents of Ms. Word's that using macro language, usually DOT and *. DOC *. extension.

2. Virus Boot Sector

Boot sector viruses are spread is very common. The virus is in the doubles he would move or replace the original boot sector virus boot program. So when there is booting the virus will be loaded into memory and then the virus will have the ability to control the standard hardware (ex:: monitor, printer, etc.) and from this memory is also the virus will spread into other existing drives and connected to computer (ex: floppy, drive other than drive c).

virus samples:

*-Variant virus wyx

ex: wyx.C (B) to infect the boot record and floppy;

length: 520 bytes;

characteristics: memory resident and encrypted)

* Variant V-sign:

infect: Master boot record;

520 bytes long;

characteristics: living in the memory (memory resident), encrypted, and polymorphic)

* Stoned.june 4th / bloody!:

infect: Master boot record and floppy;

520 bytes long;

characteristics: living in the memory (memory resident), encrypted and display

message "Bloody! june 4th 1989" after booting the computer as much as 128 times.

3. Stealth Virus

This virus will dominate the table with DOS interrupt table that often we know the "Interrupt interceptor". This virus capable to control the DOS level instruction instructions and they are usually well hidden as a full name or size.

virus samples:


infect files *. COM and *. EXE;

4298 bytes long;

characteristics: living in memory, the size of the hidden, has a trigger

*-WXYC (which includes any category because the boot record into stealth category also included here)

infect the floppy mother boot record;

520 bytes long;

settled in memory; size and hidden viruses.

*-Vmem (s):

infects files *. EXE, *. SYS and *. COM;

fie 3275 bytes long;

characteristics: living in memory, the size of the hidden, in the encryption.

4.Polymorphic Virus

The virus is designed for misleading anti virus program, meaning the virus is always trying to avoid being recognized by the anti virus with the way the fox is always changing its structure after each infects files / other programs.

virus samples:

* Necropolis A / B,

infect files *. EXE and *. COM;

file 1963 bytes long;

characteristics: settled in memory, the size and viruses hidden, encrypted, and can be changed to change the structure

* Nightfall,

infect files *. EXE;

file 4554 bytes long;

characteristics: settled in memory, the size and hidden viruses, has a trigger, encrypted, and can change the structure.

5. Virus File / Program

This virus infects files that can be executed directly from the operating system, whether application files (*. EXE), as well as *. com are also the result of infection from this virus can be determined by changing the file size is attacked.

6. Multi Partition Virus

This virus is a combination of boot sector viruses and file viruses: it means the work performed resulted in two, that he can infect files *. EXE and also infect the Boot Sector.

Known computer viruses | Mengenal Virus Komputer

The first time the term "virus" is used by Fred Cohen in 1984 in the United States. A computer virus called "virus" because it has some fundamental similarities with the virus at a medical term (biological viruses). Computer viruses can be interpreted as an ordinary computer program. But it has fundamental differences with other programs, which created the virus to infect other programs, change, manipulate and even to damage it. There is to be noted here, the virus will infect only if the trigger program or programs that have been infected earlier executed, this is where the difference with the "worm".

Origin computer virus appears
1949, John von Neumann, expressed "self altering automata theory" which is the result of research mathematicians.

1960, Bell Labs (AT & T), the experts in the lab BELL (AT & T) to experiment the theory expressed by John von Neumann, by making a type of game / game. They create a program that can reproduce itself and can destroy your opponent artificial programs. The program is able to survive and destroy all other programs, would be considered the winner.


A program can be called as a virus if it meets the following minimum of 5 criteria:

1. The ability to get information.
2. The ability to check a file.
3. The ability to multiply and infect themselves.
4. The ability of manipulation.
5. The ability to hide themselves.

Now will try to explain briefly what is meant by each of the skills and why this is necessary. Now will try to explain briefly what is meant by each of the skills and why this is necessary:

The ability to obtain information on a virus generally requires a list of file names that exist in a directory. For what? So that he can get a list of files that can he damage. For example, the macro virus will infect all the data files MS Word, will find a list on extension *. doc files.

The ability to check a program, a virus must also be able to check a file to be infected, for example, the program served to infect the extension *. doc, then he should check whether the document files have been infected or not, because if it is, it will infect another useless .

The ability to reproduce themselves from the virus core is the ability to reproduce itself by infecting other files. A virus has been discovered when the victim so she would recognize him with a look. If not infected then the virus will begin transmission action by writing bytes to the file identifier, and copied / write the object code file viruses on the target.

Some common ways by the virus to infect / reproduce itself is: who will be infected files deleted or renamed. Then created a file containing the virus program itself using file names that origin. Program viruses have been executed / loaded into memory will be directly infect other files by entering all the existing files.

A manipulation capabilities, Routine (routine) owned by a virus will be executed after the virus infects a file. The contents of this routine can range from the harmless to the conduct impairment. This routine is generally used to manipulate files or even popularizing the manufacturer. These routines use the ability of an operating system (Operating System), which has the same ability to those of the operating system. For example:

* Create a picture or message on the monitor.
* Replacing / changing the label of each file, directory, or the label of the drive on your PC.
* Manipulate the infected files.
* Damaging files.
* Disrupting the work printer, etc..

Hiding self-ability, ability to hide it should be owned by a virus that all the good work from the beginning to the success of transmission can be done. The usual steps taken is:

* A virus program code stored in the form of machinery and combined with other programs that are considered useful by the user.

* A virus program is placed on Boot Record or the tracks on the disc are rarely noticed by the computer itself.

* The program is made as short as possible viruses, and the infected file is not too much change in size.

The virus does not change the description/information when a file, and others.


viral life cycle in general, through 4 stages:

1. Dormant phase (Phase Rest / Sleep), In this phase the virus is not active. The virus will be activated by a particular condition, such as: the date set, the presence of other programs / execution of other programs, etc.. Not all virus through this phase.

2. Propagation phase (phase distribution), In this phase the virus will copied itself to a program or to a place of storage media (both hard drives, RAM, etc.). Each program will be infected with the "cloning" the virus (depending on how the virus infect it).

3. Trigerring phase (Phase Active), In this phase the virus will be active and this is also the trigger by some conditions such as the dormant phase.

4. Execution phase (execution phase), in this phase of active virus has been to perform its functions. Such as deleting files, display messages, etc..

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