How to Overcome Computer Virus


Steps of Virus Prevention, Prevent Better Than Treat. This practice should be a priority computer users. Between the initial steps are;

1. Do not use a floppy disk or any storan not in the know came from
. Unknown disks may have been contaminated with the virus. deeds write-protect disks should always be done to ensure that the virus can not write himself into the floppy disk.

2. Do not open emails that have attachments
. Internet technology has been fully utilized by the virus writer. The virus is now able to spread via email readings that have been contaminated. Most of these emails will contain an attachment files. At times he still contain the virus, although send by people you recognize.

Make sure you call your friends, to make sure there really he has led the email contains an attachment to your files. between viruses that use this technology is;

Anna Kournikova, Sircam, Code Red, Nimda and ILoveYou.

3. Use anti-virus software.
anti-virus software is a utility to detect and destroy viruses. There is software available for free on the Internet including;

a. AVG Anti-Virus
b. Free Anti-Virus
c. Innoculate IT (OS is available for Windows95 and above and also Palm OS)

While anti-virus software that is sold in market;
a. Smadav -- indonesia anti virus
b. Ansav anti virus
c. Norton Anti-Virus
d. PC-Cillin
e. Armor Anti Virus
f. VBuster
g. Virus Rx (for Apple computers)
h. Mc Afee Anti-Virus

Most anti-virus software can be upgraded to ensure it is in the database contains the latest anti-virus software. It is also sometimes offer immediate assistance to registered users.

VBuster eg anti-virus software is very popular but it is used by NASA. It was created by Dr.. Looi Hong Thong from Penang, Malaysia.


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